“Space between”

between here & now & then & when did you stop believing in fairytales & 

what will happen now?

was it when the space between the magic in them and the beige of your bedroom walls

parents shouting next door

became too large to build a bridge across?cliché.

you right next to everyone else in this semi-circle afraid to open the study door and ask to

have their childish needs met, the bruises a nuisance, the tears a disruption, the punishment

an inevitability. unoriginal.

get some new material.

time for another story.

what else could happen in that house, that bedroom, to that child?

no, not that

you’ve still not gone to space either, still cannot read between the lines to save your life.

back to the beige bedroom

never left.

what happens once you run out of material for your life?

stories end. children safely tucked in, book closed & put away. perhaps another day, some space between the pages.


ru.th is a 24-year-old student from Germany, currently struggling to finish their BA in political science and sociology. They have been writing since their early teens, primarily about their (doomed) relationships, a deep yearning for connection, and at times about their anxiety regarding their life’s mundanity. When they’re not writing, they can be found painting (badly) or reading (sci-fi) underneath their big living room window. More of their work can be found on their Instagram and Tumblr, both @lessdepth.


“Hello it’s Anna”


“Taking Care”